If you are considering replanting any corn or soybeans, please contact us.
We need to file a replant CLAIM with the insurance company BEFORE you replant.
Important Info regarding EARLY season Hail Damage to Crops
If NO strips or INADEQUATE strips are left, you will jeopardize your coverage and any possible loss payments.
A claim must be submitted before you REPLANT or DESTROY any crop (ex. 1st crop / 2nd crop).
If you have any doubt whether a claim has been submitted for you, please call or text.
You must have approval from the adjuster (insurance company) BEFORE you destroy any crop.
If strips are needed for a MPCI claim:
For MPCI claims - ex. 1st crop / 2nd crop CORN
These same strips can be used for hail claim adjustments
At least 8 rows wide X at least 300 feet long
At least 2 per field (unit), and approximately 1 for every 30 acres in different areas of the field to give a good representation of the entire field (unit).
NOT end rows / NOT on edge of field - at least 20 feet from edge of field
40 acre field - 2 strips
80 acre field - 3 strips
160 acre field - 6 strips
Strips = RSAs (Representative Sample Areas)
Below are links to the official rules on RSAs in the LAM (Loss Adjustment Manual)
If strips are needed for a HAIL claim:
For Hail claims - ex. replant Soybeans
Approx. 8 rows wide X about 30 feet long
At least 2 per field (unit), and approximately 1 for every 40 acres in different areas of the field to give a good representation of the entire field
NOT end rows / NOT on edge of field - at least 20 feet from edge of field
Flagging and Caring for Strips:
Please flag strips so the adjusters can easily find them both now in the near future for initial adjustments (hail, replant) and later in the fall for MPCI appraisals (ex. 1st crop / 2nd crop Corn) & deferred hail claims
Flag examples:
Large traditional flags
Fence post with small white PVC sleeve on top with reflector tape
GPS markings on maps that can be printed and given to adjuster - ideally have flags on outside of field as well to determine best entry point to find strips
A combination of the above is best if possible, especially for corn
Make sure strips are NOT destroyed or damaged by spraying or tillage or other field operations
Make sure commercial sprayers and for hire operators know to NOT damage or spray strips if it will cause damage to the strips
Corn - Replant VS 1st Crop / 2nd Crop:
Currently, the possibility for a 1st crop / 2nd crop situation only applies to corn.
If corn is replanted on or before Tuesday June 14th (end of the late plant period for corn), then it is just considered normal REPLANT.
MPCI replant payment for corn is $47.20 /ac (8 bu x $5.90 spring price x your share)
On Wednesday June 15th or later, if you replant corn it is no longer considered normal replant for corn for crop insurance purposes since it is past the end of the late plant period (see below diagram)
Instead, it is considered a 2nd crop of corn
It is the plant date of the 2nd crop that matters, NOT the destruction (tillage / spray) date of the 1st crop
Assuming you choose to NOT insure the 2nd crop under you MPCI policy, then:
you are eligible to collect any loss payment due for your 1st crop (based on an adjuster appraisal of the strips / RSAs discussed above)
the 2nd crop yield / revenue does NOT count against any possible loss for your 1st crop
you can chose to add hail & wind coverage to your 2nd crop of corn
MPCI - Quality Adjustments / Discount Factors
Discount Factors (DF)
If a DF applies, it reduces the production (bushels) to count for MPCI yield purposes, thereby increasing the likelihood that there will be a payable loss and/or it can increase the loss payment if already below the bushel guarantee.
If multiple DF’s apply, you add them together. Then the total is subtracted from 100% to get the net QAF (Quality Adjustment Factor) that is multiplied by the PTC (Production To Count).
Corn - Low TW for MPCI
For TW 49 and above, no DF (discount factor)
For TW 48-48.9, a 4.0% DF is applied
For TW 47-47.9, a 5.1% DF is applied
For TW 46-46.9, a 6.1% DF is applied
For a list of all of the DFs, please see the Special Provisions (SPs) for the county or ask us - below is a link to the SPs for Corn in Saunders county
Corn - Aflatoxin for MPCI
If you run into Aflatoxin in your corn, please let us know right away.
Do NOT bin corn if you think it has Aflatoxin, can make the problem worse by contaminating the rest of the bushels in the bin.
For 20 PPB or less, no DF (discount factor)
For 20.1 to 50 PPB, a 10% DF is applied
For 50.1 to 100 PPB, a 20% DF is applied
For 100.1 to 200 PPB, a 30% DF is applied
For 200.1 to 300 PPB, a 40% DF is applied
For a list of all of the DFs, please see the Special Provisions (SPs) for the county or ask us - below is a link to the SPs for Corn in Saunders county
MPCI Acreage Reports are DUE by July 15th.
As soon as you finish planting, please contact your FSA office to certify your acres.
Once certified, please let us know so we can get your acreage reports filled out.
Precision: If we are using your precision monitor acres, we can start processing that data as soon as you are done planting & before you certify at FSA. Then if you want, you can use those acres to report to FSA.
Hail / Wind Coverage:
If you would like to review, add or change your hail or wind coverage, please contact us - call, text or email.
WIND coverage: the deadline to add or increase wind coverage is:
FMH - June 30th
CRS - June 15th
Want to Discuss or have Questions?
If you would like to discuss, get a quote or have questions, please contact us - call, text or email.
Last Updated: 6-28-23