Crop Fire - FMH
WHAT IS Crop Fire?
Provides fire coverage for your unharvested acres of crop (FMH private product)
WHY Crop Fire?
Provides coverage for fires caused:
accidentally by YOU or someone else - examples: combine fire, cigarette thrown in road ditch
AND by Acts of God (lightening, wild fire)
MPCI (Multi-Peril) ONLY provides coverage for fires caused by Acts of God
Your FMH Crop Hail policy provides crop fire coverage as well, but it is limited to your hail $/ac of coverage
Crop Fire allows you to add additional coverage on top of your hail policy
Prior losses under your hail policy reduce your remaining coverage available for future hail or fire losses
0% deductible for crop fire losses
Rate: $0.25 per $100
Example: $400 /ac of coverage costs $1 /ac
Additional Coverages
Pays up to $750 Fire Department service charge
Transit coverage
With the Crop Fire policy, you also get coverage for your grain in transit to its first place of storage
Damage can be caused by collision, overturn, fire, lightening, wind storm, or collapse of bridges, culverts or docks
Example Loss: Grain semi loaded with 1,000 bu overturns in road ditch. If the field is yielding 200 bu/ac, then it would pay on 5 ac. If you have $400 /ac of crop fire coverage, then loss payment would be $2,000 (5ac x $400 /ac). Since your hail policy provides this coverage as well, if you had $200 /ac of hail coverage, it would pay another $1,000
More info:
Coverage is effective at 12:01 AM the day after the application is submitted (pending FMH approval)
Coverage expires Dec. 1st or when you harvest the crop (which ever is earlier)
Must insure all UNHARVESTED acres - by crop, by practice, by county
Annual policy - not continuous, so must be purchased & approved by FMH each year
Limits of insurance - coverage cannot exceed the amounts shown below
Corn: $1,200 IRR / $1000 NI
Soybeans: $1,000 IRR / $850 NI
Wheat: $500
Higher limits can be requested if justified by crop value
Loss payments CANNOT exceed the ACV (actual cash value) of the crop
Notice of loss must be received within 5 days of when damage occurred
Same cost no matter if you add it in the spring, summer or fall (same as hail)
Minimum premium: $10
FMH private product
Transit losses
Losses are limited to the amount of the crop you are unable to recover using prudent salvage methods
Will pay you for reasonable expenses you incur to recover bushels - example: grain vac rental
Hail Policy
Prior losses under your hail policy reduce your remaining coverage available for future hail or fire losses. As a result, you may want to add additional crop fire coverage
If you have a FMH IP2F hail policy, it will actually pay out double your hail $/ac coverage limit. Example: if you have $200/ac IP2F hail coverage, and you have a crop fire loss, it would pay out $400/ac
Want to Discuss or have Questions?
If you would like to discuss, get a quote or have questions, please contact us - call, text or email.
Last Updated: 1-28-24